I know how you feel, I’ve been there. I get it.
I became obsessed with health after being diagnosed with autoimmune diseases as a teenager and seeing more doctors and specialists than I can count… all to be told that the only answers were pharmaceuticals. I became obsessed with finding alternative cures and root causes. I became obsessed with feeling good.
By my mid-twenties I was completely off all medications, had tried every health modality out there (I know what works and what doesn’t) and learned how to use food and lifestyle changes as my medicine instead of pills.
That obsession eventually lead to my career. I get to help people feel better than they could ever imagine without giving up chocolate or french fries or even rosé.
Combining nutrition with behavioral changes and positive psychology, we’ll work together to get you feeling exactly how you want to, probably even better.
My training and education is from the Institute of Integrative Nutrition, Masters in Nutrition from New York University, board certified from NBHWC and currently attending The School of Applied Functional Medicine for functional medicine training.
Let’s get you feeling fantastic, okay?